Bring Rain is now an Amazon best-seller!
“In times of crisis, the world seems fragile and out of control. How do we keep it all together? Turns out you don’t need to be a saint or a superhero to help your fellow humans. You can be your ordinary self and still do extraordinary things. The simple actions you take today can mend and heal a broken world.
Take it from Sarah Petrin, a girl from Maine who has been trying to fix broken people and places since she was 15 years old. Through her life’s work, she has found that no matter our circumstances, our humanity is the glue that holds us together. In Bring Rain, Sarah invites readers on a journey through 20 countries over 20 years of humanitarian service, and shares stories of the extraordinary people who taught her the rich rewards that come from helping others.
In this book, Sarah offers us a front row seat to incredible action moments from her life, then invites us to venture out into our own neighborhoods with fresh energy to change and be changed by the people in our world. We can create a better future for ourselves and others, by writing a better ending to the story of today.”
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“This book is a testament to the simple but consequential principle of humanity. The idea that the rights and well-being of individuals affected by humanitarian crises—wherever they might occur—must command the attention of humankind is pervasive in Sarah Petrin’s book. The book also stands for the proposition that each of us can—indeed must—serve this noble principle of humanity no matter what specific professional path we ultimately choose to travel.”
—Eric Schwartz, President of Refugees International and former Dean, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
“Reading this book is like sitting and having a friendly and frank conversation with Sarah herself where she fills you in on the lessons she’s learned during her fascinating and varied career.
—Anne C. Richard, former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) at U.S. Department of State
“In this book, readers will see their shared story in the face of crisis and learn hands-on ways to respond to the needs around them. Because while the world does need each one of us, Sarah shows us that we also really need the world.”
—Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Never Unfriended and Cohost of the Out of the Ordinary Podcast
“A must-read for those who want to work overseas and find meaning in traveling the world.”
— Hoi Trinh, founder of VOICE, an NGO
“Sarah shows us that humanitarian action can start at your front door or take you across the globe; this book emphasizes the importance of thoughtful and critical reflection for those who pursue humanitarian action as a career and highlights the challenges and opportunities such a life can bring.”
—Jacob Kurtzer, Interim Director of the Humanitarian Agenda, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
“Bring Rain is an intro to humanitarian work: the good, the bad and the ugly. In summary, being a humanitarian is HARD work. If you are going to do it and you want to do it well, be prepared. Bring Rain is an excellent primer on getting prepared.”
— Abikok Riak, Chief Operating Officer, Southern Africa Region, World Vision
This book provides powerful first-hand accounts of Sarah’s impressive humanitarian career. She shares glimpses into unthinkable human suffering across the globe, and she includes stories of progress and hope in the darkest moments of crisis. Sarah also provides an essential guide for anyone considering similar work in the humanitarian field.
— Andrea Britton, Regional Development Officer, Dickinson College
“This book is heartfelt, informative, moving, and educational.”
—Lindsay Musser Hough, Principal at Deloitte Consulting and Author of A Woman’s Framework for a Successful Career and Life

“Drawing on her work in communities affected by natural disasters, refugee crises, and conflict, Petrin offers both a call to action and a blueprint for meaningful engagement in our complex world.”
— Dr. Gary R. Kirk, Executive Director of the Center for Civic Learning & Action, Dickinson College

“This is an excellent book for any person who is contemplating working as a humanitarian in the field or a headquarters. The book holds your attention with examples of real life dilemmas and makes you want to jump in the fray to help.”
— Colonel Brian Foster (Ret.), U.S. Army

“In a broken world, many wonder if there is hope for humanity and how to help those who are hurting. This book addresses those concerns, as Sarah demonstrates how to be an agent of change.”
— Hannah Domaracki, student, Messiah College